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We provide you with our contact information to request more information about Apartamentos Goya in Valencia

Apartamentos Goya

Teléfonos de contacto:
+34 640 163 879
+34 660 960 664


Goya Apartments

Or if you prefer:

How to get there

Maestro Gozalbo 28
Valencia, 46005, Spain

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    In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights and with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament, you are informed about the incorporation of your data into a file owned by VALENCIA´S URBAN HOUSE, SL, with registered office at AV. REINO DE VALENCIA, 36 - 6. 46005. VALENCIA. The purpose of the treatment is to respond to your queries and / or requests for information, based on your consent. The transfers that may be carried out will be those necessary for the development of the legal relationship between the parties, as well as those provided for by law, such as those whose recipients are financial entities, the Tax Agency or Courts and Tribunals.
    You have the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose the processing of your data by sending a request to VALENCIA´S URBAN HOUSE, SL, with registered office at AV. REINO DE VALENCIA, 36 - 6. 46005. VALENCIA. In addition, you can consult additional information in our Register of Processing Activities.

    Maestro Gozalbo 28, Valencia, 46005, Spain

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